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4 Tips to Help Prepare Your Home for Cool Weather

The kids are back in school, days are getting shorter, nights are getting cool, and your air conditioner might not be receiving quite as much attention. While it’s just now fall, it’s the perfect time to start preparing your home for when the cooler weather comes to stay.

  1. Install a programmable thermostat. If you already have one, great! If not, this is a good time to think about getting one. Having a programmable thermostat is a good way to be more efficient when heating/cooling your home. You can also set it and forget it! One less thing to worry about during your busy day.
  2. Make sure your chimney and fire place are in working order. You may also want to consider scheduling a cleaning for your furnace. We all know how important a clean filter is!
  3. Fill in the cracks. Filling in cracks and crevices will keep the cool air out as well as any small, unwanted visitors.
  4. Upgrade your windows. Old windows can be drafty and are sources for heat loss. Energy efficient windows will help you keep the warm air in and the cold air out.

These few short tips can help you begin to prepare for a cold winter season as we move into a beautiful fall. Give Middleton Heat & Air a call to have your heating unit tuned up!

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