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Our Handy AC System Checklist

It’s officially the middle of summer. You know what that means – we’re also officially counting down the arrival of cooler fall days ahead! But in the meantime, you’ve got many more weeks of running your home’s AC unit at maximum efficiency to stay as comfortable as possible in this Arkansas heat.

Your friends at Middleton Heat & Air have compiled this helpful, simple AC checklist to help get you and your system make the most out of these sunny summertime days, breaking things down into 3 easy categories to keep your AC unit running as smoothly as possible: what to do right now, what to do on a monthly or seasonal basis, and what to do once per year. Check it out below!


Now that you have the AC system checklist, what’s next? Well, if your calendar is nearby, make sure to pencil in these maintenance tasks and plan ahead. You don’t want to start prepping your HVAC system for colder weather once it’s already here! Most homeowners find that they are able to perform these tasks on their own, but please do not hesitate to contact us here Middleton Heat & Air if you prefer for one of our expert technicians to complete them during your upcoming routine maintenance visit.

Speaking of maintenance (and believe it or not), it’s not too early to start planning that fall system maintenance in preparation for the cooler months, even in spite of the triple digit temperatures we’ve been experiencing around here lately. By signing up for a Maintenance Agreement with Middleton Heat & Air, you can ensure our HVAC technicians will thoroughly check and clean your system twice a year. We also test for carbon monoxide during our fall checkups. Stay tuned to our social media pages and get ready for our upcoming fall newsletter as we prepare for fall around here at Middleton Heat & Air. In the meantime, #KeepCoolArkansas!

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