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The Geothermal Alternative To Traditional HVAC

We could call it “The New Alternative to HVAC” but that’s completely untrue.  You see, this thing we call geothermal has been in use for more than 10,000 years.  According to, “Archaeological evidence shows that the first human use of geothermal resources in North America occurred more than 10,000 years ago with the settlement of Paleo-Indians at hot springs. The springs served as a source of warmth and cleansing, their minerals as a source of healing.” You can see a full history of it at  Today, “Engineers are developing technologies that will allow us to probe more than 10 miles below the earth’s surface in search of geothermal energy.”

But for a home geothermal unit, you don’t have to probe that far.  The technology could be as close as your own backyard.  Now, we could write and write about how this works but a video is more entertaining:

So is this a viable option for you?  The team at Middleton Heat and Air would love to visit with you and give you an estimate for installing a geothermal heat and air system.  This is ideal for a new construction as lines need to be buried below the soil but an existing home can be retrofitted under the right condition.

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