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HVAC MYTHS- “Is Maintenance only necessary when you notice something wrong?”

In our series “HVAC Myths,” we debunk common misconceptions about heating and air that homeowners everywhere have believed for years!

The Myth:

This week we are debunking the myth that “you should only schedule maintenance on your HVAC unit when there is something wrong with it.” That is untrue! The truth is that heating and cooling units, whether they are combined or separate appliances, are major household appliances since they often run continuously. During an inspection, your technician will check and replace filters, check wiring, motors, ducts, and evaporator coils and drains among other things.

The Facts:

The fact is that most HVAC experts will recommend that you schedule inspections once per year for your A/C unit and once per year for your heating unit separately, even if the units are combined. Chances are, if your units are separate, they share many of the same components such as wiring and ductwork. If a technician comes out for one unit or the other, they can often uncover problems in shared components.

The Lesson:

Twice yearly inspections help to catch smaller problems now that could eventually become much bigger and more costly issues in the future. Preventative maintenance keeps your entire system up and running all year long. Inspections and cleanings can help lower your energy bills, lessen the need for repairs, lower the chance of overall breakdown, and give your units a longer life.

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of preventative maintenance and our inspection services at Middleton Heat & Air call us today! Visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-404-0371 to speak with a comfort specialist today.

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