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Turning On Your Heater For The First Time This Fall?

We’re transitioning from cooling season to heating season. You may not know that there are certain things that need to be done before you turn your heater on for the first time this fall, and that’s why we’re here. We’ll help you make this transition easy and will ensure that your furnace is ready for the cool weather so that it will operate efficiently and will keep you cozy this season.
To ensure proper start up before the cold season hits, we highly recommend having a preventative maintenance performed on your unit. Leaving this to the professionals can make all the difference this fall.
What we do:
  • Check the venting
  • Check the gas pressure
  • Check the gas valve operation
  • Check the gas fittings-We want to ensure that there are no gas leaks and that the connections are tight
  • Most importantly, we perform a carbon monoxide test to verify the heat exchanger is operating in prime condition.
Middleton Heat and Air is here to ensure that your unit and your home is ready for the temperature changes.

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